A space to home my multidimensional creative expression in visual art, textile design, fashion design, and photography.

In my studio
I study
I create
I play
I work
I ideate
I meditate
I destroy
I recalibrate
I rejuvenate

I live.

The studio has always been a safe space for me as an artist — a home.

In grade school, I learned how to sew a pillow in home economics class and knew I had to learn to sew more. So I did; throughout my adolescence and teens, I designed and constructed clothing, then went to NYC to study Fashion Business Management.

Even though I studied business, I am a crafter, a hands-on creator at heart. And now, I enjoy my at-home multi-use creative studio where I write, design textiles and clothing, paint, create unique visual art, and explore shapes through movement art and energy cultivation.

My passion for art, design, decor, and beauty, is deep, vast, expansive, and evolutionary. The more I learn, the more I desire to learn — the more I desire to weave all I know together to make new knowing. All my artistic pursuits nourish each other and empower me as a channel and a home for creative, sexual, life force energy to flow freely.

This studio exists for me to nurture and nourish myself as an artist.

I work on many projects simultaneously because they are all expressions of my inner world and my unique perception of the outer world.

bynkem studio exists for self-discovery and the refining of my inner voice and inner vision as an artist, woman, and human.

I’m inspired by Mother Nature, my Nigerian heritage and culture, and authentic & raw sensual expressions of the Sacred Feminine, including embodiment, movement, pregnancy, and birth.

You can peruse my Photography & Visual Art portfolios below.

We all have unique creative inner wisdom to contribute to Earth — this studio is a sacred container for authentic creative exploration.

While my artistic practice centralizes me and mine (my name literally means “mine”), it is only to understand and inhabit the collective with more grace, presence, and enthusiasm. Only to enjoy relationships with more fluid, grounded, and expansive collaboration where we all benefit and are authentically inspired.

Nourish yourself to be nourishment to the collective.

In due course, you can expect workshops, talks, events (virtual and in-person), and retreats on creative wellness, nurturing the inner artist, creative embodiment, cultivating your inner vision & voice, and staying inspired through travel and cultural immersion.

Exciting, right?

Be sure to sign up for my newsletter below to stay privy to all the happenings.

If you would love to collaborate on a unique creative project, or apprentice with me to develop your creative vision, please contact me or schedule a call to connect.