Sacred Feminine Embodiment Guidance

NOURISH™ exists, foundationally, because of my own predominant fire constitution.

As a young woman, I was bouncy, playful, talkative, enthusiastic, highly creative, exuberant, and highly flirtatious. As I cycled on into my teenage and young adulthood, these fiery attributes branched off into expressions of anxiety, overworking, mental and emotional stress, overextension, overeating, materialism, burnout, and oversharing.

I was living as a modern woman manipulated by a hyper-masculine patriarchal paradigm in which my own fiery masculine tendencies thrived… in the outside world. Thriving in the external world cares not about one’s health — body, mind, heart, and soul.

I have always gravitated towards the essence of the Divine Feminine, though. I made art and designed clothing as a child, and even went to university for fashion business, which was a dream. I desired to be among the creation and embodiment of beauty that fashion made accessible for me and for everyone. After graduating and working for a short period in the corporate world, my instinct led me fiercely out of the fashion industry and towards something, anything, more heart-centered.

Concurrently, I was always drawn to the rich landscape of the internal world and often used journaling and letter-writing to move through life in my teenage years. From age 19 I began tutoring academic writing, and after a while, situated myself in a career as a teacher of writing overseas and at the university level. The internal world, even if it was just the mental realm at the time, magnetized me greatly.

During the COVID pandemic in 2020, I began Wellspringwords®, a spiritual development platform supporting writers & artists with Sacred inner-world cultivation through the magic and power of words and embodiment.

This time, my intuition, my instinct, was practically begging me to integrate the emotional, spiritual, and embodied experience into what I had been cultivating with the mental realm for nearly a decade by then. Because I was so entrenched in a hyper-masculine paradigm, I thought I was only creating Wellspringwords® for other people, other women, other women of color. I had been taught to situate myself on the outside, or the bottom, and place everyone else ahead, or above me. This was the behavior instilled in me from birth — serve the men, serve the elders, serve those who have more authority than you and even authority over you, because you are not a being of authority; not until you veritably have more responsibility than or over others. This was the same messaging amplified through my schooling, higher education, and workforce experiences.

However, whenever I “arrived” at a place of “more” authority, I was so disempowered and disenchanted by my experiences in the hierarchical system, that I then took on the role of disempowering myself because I was so uncomfortable and fearful of being empowered. Of being an authority. Of commanding others and trusting that they would obey me.

You see my words there? “Commanding others” and “obeying”. These are the sentiments of my formative years and the framework of relationships I had followed for decades. But actually, my intuition and instinct wanted me to experience this energy much differently — through self-authority, natural beauty, organic mysticism, fertility, fecundity, and the sustenance of life.

Perhaps along my journey, my awareness of the Divine Feminine force vacillated, but She was always observing and guiding me home, as GOD does, always always moving energy towards a harmonious state of balance, equilibrium, and equanimity.

In 2021, I began years-long studies of holistic healing and energy medicine through Yoga, somatic trauma therapy, Yoga Nidra, intuition development, Qigong energy alchemy, and birthwork through an integration of Tantra, Yoga, and Ayurveda. My studies are ongoing and lifelong.

Each training magnetized me forward an inward, each containing an embodiment component designed to guide me through my own healing, body, mind, heart, and soul altogether. Nothing would be separate, I learned as I moved through each training session, each initiation, each internal transformation, each addictive pattern broken, each dishonest relationship ruptured, and each layer of my ego dissolved. I was being guided, with Her firm hand, by the Divine Feminine force, the Great Mother, to heal unequivocally in order to eventually hold the portal open as other beings answered their respective calls to return home to their Sacred Femininity.

I call this space NOURISH because water controls fire. Too much exuberance, to much yang, requires the yin restorative nourishing experience to return to harmony. To NOURISH is to add more water into our lives. To hydrate ourselves with rest, sensuality, play, inner world cultivation, sexual exploration, inner wisdom cultivation, and authentic spiritual development.

To NOURISH, is to honor the origin of our creative power — the womb. Yes, the physical uterus existing as a physical expression of the cosmic womb, but also the spiritual concept of the Great Womb — the knowing and honoring of creative cycles including ideation, conception, implantation, gestation, birth, death, and the regenerative experience life can be that further NOURISHES us as individuals and as a collective.

So as I continue my journey of self-nourishment and restoring the Sacred Feminine through my own intentional embodiment, I make available my unique insights and teachings for the resonant public.

As a space for Sacred Feminine Embodiment, my intention is to journey in mutual resonance with womb-bearing individuals through all stages of the birth process, physical and metaphysical. This means through your pregnancy and mothering journey in guiding life onto Earth through a human vessel, and your journey embodying the Mother archetype as Creatrix, nurturing provider, knower and seer, and holistic Empress.

Learn more below about my evolving philosophy on Creative Embodiment and how to journey in Sacred Feminine Embodiment Guidance with me.

As you deepen, I deepen.

As I deepen, you deepen.

May we emerge wiser, kinder, more honest, more empowered in ourselves, full of vitality, and more magnetic to the beauty and strength of the Divine Feminine essence of the universe.

And so it is. Gratitude.